Wednesday, September 26, 2007
back cram
nways, im in agama class now.. surrounded by my fellow muslim-mates.
athira's in front of me, and she currently playing with her pimple on her forehead.
tasha is diagonally infront of me, and she is as stoned as ever...
amalina is beside me, and she's also pressing on the keyboard like me, blogging, ALSO like me.. (but well i went here after i saw her using blogspot. lol)
and sam... well wait, she's not here.. sad-o-mania..
wonder how's she's doing over there, probably hogging on hot mat salleh guys.. i heard there was 2 guys' name mentioned. alvin and something..
oh great, finally.. only half an hour has pass after break and finally ustaz lets us do aur thang!
ariff just busy-bodiedly looked at my screen.. asking my what's "mai laif".
... its my life in bm language spellig, btw.. lol.
i can't wait for my janda baik house to get ready..
i can't wait till this agama class is over..
i can't wait for ustaz to pass my table, so i can sneak in some biscuits (the strawberry flavoured one) in my mouth again.
i can't wait till my finals starts and ends in a blink of an eye, just like how this whole weekdays have passed.
i can't wait till my period cram decreses.
i can't wait till i fiinish revising for my sejarah, let alot starting it.
i can't wait to go home and start baking that freaking bubbles (from powerpuff girls), and start painting it, and get it done and over with.
well yea.. that's about it..
one more,
i can't wait till jesse's moodswing/emotional silence has decresed and go away so i can talk to him.=(
Posted at 12:07 PM