you take my breath away
and give me heart aches.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

For Jade

first. yesterday! I went to OU. and then I shopped like hell.. Ask Athira..

I met her there .. hah!!

he was sitting one seat beside me for in the waiting room/class.. :P:P:P:P

bahaha! love you bitch.

Posted at 12:46 PM

Alright, its 12.17 pm on a Saturday. I just came back from school. I had an interview for being a prefect and netball traning. And I'm very sad now. I totally wreck the whole interview. I even got called TWICE!

The interview:

Me: Good morning :)
Pn Farah: Pls turn ur smartcard around. Is it a temporary one?
Me: Yes it is..
Pn Farah: What happened to urs.
Me: I lost it last year and I've been waiting to apply for a new one.

Dr. Rizal: Alrite so, why do you want to be a prefect?
Me: Well first, it wud give me the confidence to be a better leader, a better example, especially towards my 2 younger sister. I've been a prefect when I was std. 3 and I would really like to be one now in cempaka.
Dr. Rizal: So when did come to Cempaka?
Me: When I was std. 4

Dr. Rizal: Ok, with 3 words, decribe yourself.
Me: Im.. active.. responsible and dicispline.
Dr. Rizal: And tell us one weakness about u
Me: I would like to improve on my schoolwoork. Try to be one of the top students.
Dr. Rizal: what class are you in?
Me: 3 Cempaka.
Dr. Rizal: *then he did the "there? whats so wrong about that?" look*
Pn Farah: How did u do for ur first monthly test?
Me: I had... er.. 4 a's out of 8 subjects.

then it ended..

I rushed to the toilet to change, and suddenly a prefect came and asked me to be at the conference room again. They wanted to see me again. Then started the wreck part.

Me: yes?
Dr. Rizal: yes, we wud like point out on your appearance this morning, what do you think it is?
Me: My hair?
Dr. Rizal: yes.


I rather not that about that now.
gosh, wtv la! Got Farhan's party to look forward to tnite. Waiting for Athira to finish. I think she shud be done now.

Chin San is online and he just gave me these pics.

haha. he's a funny dude.
if you read this chin san, hii.. :)

see you!

Posted at 12:17 PM

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


omfg. I cudn't stop laughing bahahahah!!!


Ok jobless peoplep who are jobless enough to read my blog, here's something interesting to do. Go to Jade's blog and COUNT HOW MANY TIMES SHE TYPED THE WORD "CAEZUN" IN. I swear, i got sick at hearing that name after i read u blog.

Ok so. Today is WEDNESSDAAAY!! Had one of the best schooling day ever!! Had science, bm, maths and engliish and PEE!!! *that's sports, not kencing.. haha*.

nways, the day pass by so fast i cudn't even appreciate the moments I spent with my awfully wedded friends.. haha!!

After school guess who came :):):):) Ashraf.. haha! He sat at the hill watching us play on the field (netball).. and then I went up the hill, met him. Went to 711, and chatted. All that lah! :):)

Then I when I was at my car, and going to go back home, he started jogging and running after my car, trying to keep up. Haha!!


ok, i'm just going to blog over here.. I think my blog is too tired to accept new posts everyday. Like what Jade said, the best thing that happened at night today was chatting to the FATJAS. Damn freaking cool, but I had to ruined it by leaving. Abah asked me to -.-
And the best thing that happened to me today was.. READ THE ABOVE!
:) :) :)


Posted at 10:22 PM

Stupid laa.. Before lunch i went around to collect house funds from beruang and I went to 3 AER. BABI GILER NAK MAMPOS, i freaking saw that BITCH! (jade) manjaing away with Caezun and vandalizing his oh so lushes arm. FUCK U BITCH!

And guess what, that BITCH got even BITCHIER! During lunch she came up to me and said "WHO'S THE BITCH NOW!". Stupid..

American Idolling. but WAIT.. remember Jade. I LVOE YOU LIKE HELL!!

will update later. and what had happened after school with ahem :)


Posted at 6:32 PM

OMG. Those songs exist!! haha!! Man music rocks! There's never one feeling or expression which hasn't been written on a paper. True?

Jade I wanna sleep.. Love you like shit.. Love caezun's lips too. BAHA.


Posted at 12:40 AM


Shit damn damn damn .. Hi Caezun..! I swear he's gna read Jade's blog and will go to mine. And I'm sure Jade will ask him too. Well let me tell you this IM NOT STOPPING YOU.. :) hahah!!

You know what!? Here Caezun you may read the previous post..

Don't know where it is.. call me from my class tmr so I can see your LIPS. Shit. Ok rewind. Jade don't show this to him MUAHA

Posted at 12:28 AM

Alrite so, the last post was mainly for Nisha Foo Yen Sha. Now, that I have viewed Jade's blog, imma write ma own!

Haha. So what she's trying to say in her blog ( is, yesterday Jade pointed out to me that Caezun looks SHIT ALIKE like Jay Son. If you look at him, I SWEAR! you will drool on the spot! HAHA! Jade jade, after lunch just now I CUDN'T STOP IMMITATING HIM BY LICKING MY LIPS! haha.. seriously.

Ok and what I asked her to do was to choose between Caezun or Jay Son. Haha. Me and Jade don't like neither of them (we DID LAST time). Haha! But she bloody hell don't want Jay Son. DAMN!

Main Goal for tmr: LISTEN TO CAEZUN TALK.

Haha! I have NEVER heard him talk. LOL

New thing about me *mainly for Nisha Foo Yen Sha again*: I CUT MY HAIR.

.. can't wait for tmr.. :P :P :P

love you jade.


Posted at 12:11 AM

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy V'day..

wow.. its already february..

yesterday was valentines day.. it was the bomb.. i was single again.. but it was fun.. thanks guys, for ALL the lovely flowers. Me, Athira and Jade made our own flowers and gave them to all our friends. I had to do a huge favour for Boone. I'm sure both him and Am had the best day yesterday.. With MY help *haha* he gave 99stalks of red roses to Am. Nice one! :)

After school, Farhan and Ashraf came to school. We hanged out with Iwawan.. Me and him were suppose to go to Secret Recipe but we ended up going to Farhan's hse to drop him off. Humunggus house.

I had fun :)

I skipped netball tho. Cik Zainab screwed me up in the end. Tasha came to school.. But i didn't get to hang out with her cus she was at Secret Recipe with the rest.

I'm at home and now its only 2.13 pm. I'm NOT in school, had a major headache when i tried to wake up this morning. My family are about to have our annual flu season. Abah was the first one to get it this year. And it looks like I'll be the next one to get it. Anyways, Tasha wud be coming in an hour. We'll be going to school. I HAVE to go for netball, just cause I don't want to get kicked out of the team. For sure.

Okok! Gossips! I'm doing this for Nisha, just cause she asked me to, and that she's missing the cempakan gossips.. I miss her! LOVE YOU NISHA! Ok hm.... lets see.

I like someone.. :) aha! And I'm suure she knows about that.
Jude sorta admitted that he misses Sam.. and I'm HUGELY JEALOUS about that.. :)
I currently think someone's boyfriend is annoying.. don't worry Am not you.
I have a feeling someone who's name starts with a J is spreading rumors about me. Bugger.
I just told Heidi who I like and I'm scared on what will happen next, just cause she's good friends with him. SHIT.

Sha.. I can't do this.. EVERYONE IN THE WORLD! can see this..

I LOOOOOOVE YOU NISHA FOO YEN SHA!! and i miss you... ;(


Posted at 2:03 PM

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