Monday, March 3, 2008
damn shit wei damn! so long haven't blogged.
finally have time.
what happened on previous days:
-Aunty Nadia just gave birth to a baby boy on the 1rst of March. :) just missed the 29th of February by a few hours. haha!!
what happened today:
-first day of semester exam. babi cold in the hall.. did my sej and maths today. bugger
- duuuuuuuuuh...
-OH, made eye contact with Caezun in the hall. BAHA!
what happened just now:
-just ate dinner.
-just finished doing this FABULUS picture on phtoshop.. so proud, but yet i know i cud better..
doesn't really match..bah!
what's happening now:
-listening to blasting music
-chatting with Jade.. (she wants me to blog cus she thinks all i will talk abou tis caezun. pls lah, over him edy :))
-chatting with Khal (asking me to go out with him for LUNCH *who the fuck ask ppl to go out for lunch! I'm only 14 and haven't started working.. he makes it sound like we're colleuges working*)
-figuring out what else to say..
what's going to happen tmr:
-MSSKL inter-zone netball!! babi scared i swear. my hips are like aching now. shit wei!
-going to see Farhan to give him his pink boxers.. haha! bugger dude didn't come just now.
what's going to happen later on in the week:
-confirmed plans, going to go diving traning at Sophiya's house in the weekends :) so happy!
-AMERICAN IDOL! DAVID ARCHULETA. its a must to watch
what's going to happen next week:
-ONE WEEK HOLIDAY!!!! holy makeral, finally something i need.
-en. Salleh plans to destroy our peace by having handball traning everyday during the hols. babi
-HOPEFULLY, go out. YES!
-going to Pulau Perhentian that weekend.. can't wait!! Am just told me that she can't tag along with me.. issh
what's going to happen on the last week of march: