Thursday, May 1, 2008
Brooke White is gone. I KNOW FOR A FACT that both David Archuleta and David Cook will make it to the finals. Trust me. I will bet 1 bucket-lion to anyone out there that both of them will make it.
I haven't been doing anything at all today. Just eat every 2 hours cause Mak Tin can't stop feeding me cus she thinks i wud starve. Watch tv and onlining. Ive been online for almost 9 hours now. It's unbelieveable. I know
I've been watching Enews today too. The most shocking news is that Mariah Carey is engaged to NICK CANNON!! Wasn't he the guy that was on Nickelodeon and that he's just A FEW YEARS OLDER THAN ME!! What the hell is WRONG with the world?!
Posted at 7:48 PM