Monday, December 8, 2008
What happened after prom? Hmm.. LOTS!
1. I watched Twilight and it was AWESOME. Yes I know, this must probably be the seventh blog that you've read and he/she have had written a post about this movie, but seriously, it was a gooood movie... :) I was struggling to finish the book before I had planned to watch the movie, but I only got to the baseball game chapter. Haha. I'm glad that I managed to read the first part of the story before I watched it tho. I was convinced enough, by then, that Edward Cullen was a gorgeous-looking angel brought from heaven and, like many others, I was anxious to see what he looked like or how he would behave. I was truly satisfied with the movie and how it turned out.
"How the heyl did they get that many GORGEOUS people in one movie?!"-Athira
Yea how did they?!!!! Observe:
Robert Pattinson.. siggh :)
Kristen Steward
Kellen Lutz. HE IS MINE. I repeat HE IS MINE!
The oh so gorgeous dad, Peter Facinelli
Terima Kasih.
4. Speaking of Athira. I GOT BRITNEY'S ALBUM!!! It is soooo EFFING COOL! Thank you Chinny Loong for lending me the money to buy it. Now us sluts (Athira, Nisha, Alysha and Iwawan) are officiall fans of Britney.
Agree?!!! :)
6. Mak and Abah bought a new car! It's the latest Land Rover Discovery 2. It's a 5-seater car and it's royal blue in colour. :) We surprised Abah with the car the other night, with him not knowing it would come a week earlier than planned. Haha.
When Abah first saw the car :)
-Finish up Twilight
-Start on Sophie Kinsella's latest book/
-Called LOTS of people for latest gossips :) hehe.
-Shivered. It was COLD!
9. I got scolded like SHIYT 2 days ago by Mak because my line and her line got barred. It got barredbecause I spent 600 bucks the last month, CALLING YOU GUYS!!!!! You guys better love me, I swear. You know who you are.
So now, Mak is planning to get me a new prepaid number so I would control myself. -.- I've finally memorized my current number and NOW I have to get a new one. Urrrgh! Don't blame me if I nag you guys for my phone number again. :)
10. Today is Hari Raya Haji. So, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA! I spent the night at Nenek's house last night. We went to Pak Long's house this morning and celebrated Raya Morning there. Pak Long slaughtered 2 cows, muahaha... He wanted everyone to watch him do it, but instead I facebooked all morning. Lol :)
Adilah and Huda are going to spend the night here. OH boy!
What to look forward for:
1. Lunch with Athira and Ahem. Haha. Dude, I still don't know why we can't mention it's name. Lol
2. Shi Fen's birthday outing. I hear it is going to be the exact same one as the Twilight outing. Delicious then Twilight movie. Hahaha
3. Phuket ;)