Saturday, January 3, 2009
Title; I didn't get the mother ***ing YELLOW BAAG!!
Yea that's right. Ruined my night for sure. I actually went back to One Utama, dragged my mom and my 2 sisters along this time, just so I could buy that bag. I regretted not doing so last night. Athira is a VERY good convincer. When I got to that f-ing shop, THE BAG WAS NOT THERE. When I asked for it, the lady said "Sorry ah Cik, ade orang tadi BAARUU beli, 5 minit tadi". I honestly nearly asked the lady which way the person who bought my gorgeous yellow bag went but I didn't. Siiigh...
Anyway, I'm talking to Acap right now. I miss you too Acap!
On the last post I told you guys I was pokai, but hell today
I went to Nenek's house and ALL of my Uncles were there.
Uncles = Money :D
Thank you so much Pak Ngah, Pak Cik and Pak Long! I loooooove ALL of you! Congrats to Arif for getting straight A's too :) And yes I know Arif, we're too smart for school. Haha, what la you.
When I was on my way home from OU just now I realized it was alraedy 3rd of Jan. The day which Sara was suppose to come back from friggin Korea and the day which Sara was suppose to call me and tell me that she's back. But she didn't (according to her, she tried). So I was planning to write a post starting with "Sara, sara where a thou my love sara...." but she was already online messing with peoples' lives when I came back. Lolololol.
To my newly found soulmate,
Hi :) Heheheheheheheeheh.