Title; Beautiful, but you don't even try. :)
tilt your lazy head and be happy, Uncle Man's computer is being a biznitch.
I've been playing with the two of them this whole week. Been carrying them around, helping them play their game on the "pim-po-ter" (computer). Anyone interested, you may go to these websites: http://www.barney.com/
Arman loves to drink water, and slam on doors. And SMILE :D
I love too waste my time sitting on a chair and stare at the computer.
I did go to the Sultan Azlan Shah's Gallery just now with Hanna tho. I finally saw a Rolls Royce Phantom close up, hu-gi-e-normous!
Anyway, I'll be leaving for Phuket tomorrow. Buhuhuh. :( I CAN'T WAIT! :) Abah said we have to wake up at 5 tomorrow morning -.- He spotted a factory outlet online at Krabi and he wants us to arrive there before the shops close.
I won't be updating my blog till next year. So those of you lifeless people who constantly reads my blog, like Chin San, and Sara, haha, will need to wait till then :D
Am just left for Eygpt, so it's just you Jade, left in Malaysia :)
To all my friends, can't wait to see you guys next year!
Goh Chin Loong, please remember to call me with good GOOD news to tell :) Insya'Allah.
Ronald, IT'S YOOOU!!!
To the guys, Chin Bro's, Ronald, Jude and Ariff. HAVE FUN WITHOUT MUAH! I'm going to miss you guys too!!
Nisha, when you come back from London/Paris, do call if there's any problems. I'll just be next door. Well upstairs. Sort of. :)
Posted at 2:02 PM