Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Maths Adventure
I've not blogged for 4 days! Amazing.
World Maths Day was... crazimefying.
We all started at 8 PM sharp on Wednesday, not knowing that it had already started an hour ago. We were ready for WMD, with all the strategies and warm-up tricks taught by the one and only Chin San, but we SO did not know what was really ahead of us.
Chin San, Chin Loong, Alexandra, and Alexis were our class motivaters since the start. Ronald, on the other hand, was our class reminder of the prize that lay ahead, which was, satay, of course.Most of us were online till 11. I went off at 11 too, after contributing 4 hours of maths.
School came and the class weren't caring much about WMD, till Alexis got herself and the class excited for it. Both Alexis and I went searching for Mr. Alvin by second period to ask him whether we could use the hall by then. And yes, that was when it all officially began.
We were there till break aaand continued after break. We weren't suppose to continue on till lunch but after the "amazing performance", the class was chosen to stay back after school TILL 8. Yes fellow blog readers, till 8. At night. We played like mad students and managed to get top 5 of the world.Wednesday: 7 1/2 hours of maths
I was one of the 7 students of our class who stayed back up till 8. By the end of the day, I had already collected enough points to get 20 marks for my Maths Mid-Sem Exam. Before the day ended, our placings were dropped because of the CIS team and those darn Turkish. I was bloody exhausted by the time I got back home. Slept like a baby.
Morning arrived and the next thing you know it, I was back in the hall tapping away. 12 4 35 12 63 7 3 1 5 31 12 45 67...............
I did that for 10 HOURS. I kid you not. And YES once again readers, TILL 8.I actually played with a Ronald L. But he/she was from China.
I played with CHINLOONG
I played with CHINLOONG again
This picture shows you how the competition was "conquered" by the Cempakans. And how lifeless we were.
We over took Form 1 during the final hours... Just kidding, Haha. We over took them LONG before the day ended. After break to be exact :) So our aims were to maintain being third in the world, to get through the day, and to get our satays.
SUPRISINGLY, we got third in the world. Whopie -.-
And we had our share of satay -.-
Whoopie.Proof. * Note the results and the "keep playing" button.
Gee Dubya Bush. says: (7:07:09 PM)
omg wtf dude
Gee Dubya Bush. says: (7:07:12 PM)
can sue the school for that weh
'faaaza says: (7:07:19 PM)
'faaaza says: (7:07:20 PM)
Gee Dubya Bush. says: (7:07:26 PM)
'play' my ass. thats not playin!
'faaaza says: (7:07:32 PM)