you take my breath away
and give me heart aches.

Monday, October 22, 2007

not important. =)

currently listening to:
Bryan Adams, Everything I do, I do it for you.

lol, Nisha gave me just now in school.. yeap, we're all back now.
I use to remember last time, i always look forward to come back to school after a fairly long holiday, but this year I've noticed that i don't have the mood to go.. lolsl.. oh wells

Ok, last night me and Jesse were talking, and i guess we've kinda solved it. Solved what we've been wanting to do. Originally we both planned on breaking up completely for the reasons of my mother and what was best for us. We planned to break up "nicely", and i know this will sound corny but Jesse did buy both of us a pair of engraved rings, as we've planned, to break up in a way that we would remember each other, and end it nicely.

Well, that sorta didn't quite work, because breaking up/ loosing connection/ loosing contact/ breaking our relationship didn't felt like the right thing to do (at least for me). So this is where last night's conversation comes in, Jesse suprisingly suggested on whether it would be better and would help both of us if we still keep the connection/ relationship but loose the titles girlfriend and boyfriend. I know this will soon/ already sound as if both of us are eventually gonna be using each other for reasons (like, physical connections), well no. It's really confusing, but all i know is that i understand on where we're both going. Suprisingly, i wasn't like second-guessing anything when he asked for confirmation on whether i wanted to go with the suggestion, i immediately (well not really) agreed.

Long short, personally, i think this will work. We've both realized that we've been together for a very long time until we've already adapted ourselves to our lives, natural-sort-of-thing. If we go away from each other, we will never be happy (trust me, I've proven that MANY times over the years). Being in a "pet brother pet sister" position, it WILL be for the better, our connection together will not only never be broken, but also, we won't go away from each others' lives, results = giler happy babeng always.

It will DEFINITELY take some time, hopefully not for a long time. Especially for me, it HAS to be a gradual thing. This will be the hardest thing both of us have ever done, but we're trying so hard to overcome it.

Why, i hear, you ask we're breaking up suddenly? Well, the people that knows me (like AMMIE, nisha, athira, tasha, jade and sam) will definitely understand why.

............ i hope......

=) seeyou.

Posted at 10:58 PM

alrite. today, 20.10.2007 (i think), saturday.

mak had just celebrated her 43rd birthday on thursday. Uncle Man and Ashraf celebrated theirs yesterday.. AND Nenek's and Abang Amin's brthday is tomorrow. Me, Nisha, Jesse and Ashraf went out to One Utama yesterday.. so it was quite fun, cause i could buy Acap a present, pink TopMan underwear. so bysexual looking, but it i didn't mind buying him that.

Today, Nisha, Athira and Jade came to my house this morning.. got ready to go to Shez's open house.
Am and Me had a short conversation before i left, talked about her problem.. "damn girl, you canNOT sleep so late, 530 am??!?!"
well whatever it is just tell me alrite am, here for you.

Shez's open house was fun. We walked there, from my house at 12 (panas terik like babeng!). It was kinda funny, because me and Athira were both wearing our baju kurungs, and we were all walking on the side of the highway with ar' highheels. LOL.
Makanan you shez, sedap giler babeng.. Sarawak Laksa! lol.. quite a few people came, even some form 5's. didn't quite expected them. anyways....

After lunch, we got to borrow Shez's pateri stuffs and me and Athira went to Judah's house. Jesse joined us shortly..
no details on that.

Well yea, that's it. i really REALLY NEED to go to the toilet now, so i hope NUR AMALINA will enjoy reading this lifeless post. but make sure u sleep EARLY!! its already 1210 am!

muah muah! seeyouu.
i love Jesse Yong Kai Zain!

Posted at 11:58 PM

Monday, October 8, 2007

blunt, that's for sure.

OmFg, this is by far the WORST results i've ever faced during this year. Its a monday morning still, and I'm here next to Nisha (reading am and sam's blog) and Alexandra (reading a book). It's still the first hour (Assembly), and we just got our English marks, 51. Great.. =.=

We also got our KH marks, i got 87 and Nisha got 83. Her English is 80. Haiys, here we go again, she getting all the good marks. =)

Went downstairs to my locker just now with Athira, Jade, Nisha and Amalina, and as i had expected, Jesse just arrived to school. We didn't talk on the phone last night, didn't want to call him. Didn't want to act like the boyfriend, call him endlessly, and finally when he picks up, he'll eventually go to sleep on the phone, and you'd hear me shouting and crying at him. That's how it goes.. Even Mak and Abah told me that it's hard for me to get up for sahur nowadays. Was half expecting him to call last night (for once), but he did not. Haiys.

sha here. : ) farah farah farah. oh btw, i didnt go down to ur locker with u. it was am. and u said athira's name twice. farah, u okayy. dont worry too much about the marks. ur getting me worried. gosh. im so so so bored right now. and tomorrow we're gonna go to shez's house to make raya cookies. yeap. and im imagining myself stirring a BIG bowl of cookie mix with a spoon and licking the spoon every 5 minutes. haha. homer simpson wanna-be. :) lol. yeaappppp!hahaha. thats just hilarious! :D

lol... the teacher (which i still do not know how to spell the name) wanted to see me. This start of the day really has brought my hopes down. =(

seeyu. =(

haha ok. its 5.59.39 pm
came back from school edy. and guess what, almost ALL of my results has been given away.

Bahasa Melayu - 68 (fick-er-ruu)
English - 51 (as you noe)
Mathematics - 86
Science - 84
Sejarah - 83
Kh - 86

so yea.. what yang left is GEO, AGAMA, and ART. dengit!
nways, what everlaah! im happy.. well just for English laa. Really gna bring down my average.
i just chatted with Tasha, and for some reason she really had made my day today. Lol.. i think it's cause she commented on my display picture, she said it is DAMNN HOT. lol.. wat do you think??

see you , again.

Posted at 8:37 AM

It's the end of the weekends, and the finals have already finished, as you guys can see.
Today was tiring. Mak woke me up this morning, after a sleepless night talking and shouting at Jesse on the phone. I was suprised i didn't cry, even though i wanted to. I kept on threathening him i would break up with him (for some apparent reason), but he was still hanging on to me by saying "why why?", all that la. But during that time he was already half asleep.
Anyway, Mak woke me up, had to help her do the greeting cards for the hampers which was ordered by Mahathir's son's company. Soon after that, a huge lorry came with Mak's shop furnitures. Kak Siti's husband and his friends were moving almost all my big new furnitures that have been kept in my house for a long time to be sent to Janda Baik. It was a relief honestly, because our house has been SO cram.
Mak, Abah and I went to Janda Baik eventually (Arina and Hanna are at Nenek's house). I was SHOKED when we arried there. The house looks AMAZING!! All of the rooms have been painted, and I'm praying to god my room colour would fade soon. We initially chose this dark pink-maroon-red colour but it turned out lighter and it seems more pink now. Fish.. but no la, i like it. Can't wait for the curtains to be hung and my 4 poster bed to arrive from Kijal and see the end result.
Just came back from Hartamas Square, buka-ed puasa there. We were planning on the food that we will be having during the open house soon. Barbequed leg of lamb. Ey?

Gtg now, watching That's So Raven, since a very long time.

Btw, i don't know why, but i don't feel so lifeless about Jesse today. As in, don't think about him that much today. Oh well..


Posted at 9:06 PM

Thursday, October 4, 2007

true merdeka. =)

oh so awesome.
i am SO freakin-ass happy that finals exams are over.
it's like i got nothing else to think about then just to look forward to hari raya.
just starting puasa is such an ass. its like the first day of puasa all over again.

jobless, lifeless, the numbing of my ass (from sitting too long on the chair), strained eyes and busted ears are what i've been craving for so long.. well since like 2months ago.. and that's long.

don't really pay attention with jesse that much anymore. some unknown reasons again on why we don't find each other as attractive as last time.. what i'm trying to say is that we're so use to each other already it's like naturally already..

it's a good thing rite? lol.

haiys, anyway, i just remembered that 2 of my best friends i've ever met in my life are going to be migrating to god-knows-where (melbourne) and i'll be stuck here (cempaka) all alone and facing pmr. Thank God i still have Athira and Amalina.. oh yea, Jade is going too =.=

omgf, i just remembered again.. Jesse's leaving too.. ='( .. hopefully he doesn't cause i'll be lonely even more. ah fick it.

oh nvm laa. right now i'll just enjoy the time that we have and can spend together.. i'm talking about my friends too okay..

just adjusting to the feeling that i don't have to stress about whether or not i would be able to finish studying by the end of the night tonight. man, this time around the finals preperations were giler. never experienced anything like it.

alrite then.. tonight, jamie oliver time and project runway malaysia =)

oh have i mentioned about the MASSIVE change to the numbers of ALL the channels in Astro.. giler sial. Measat.. muaha.

seeya! =)

Posted at 6:19 PM

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