Tuesday, March 31, 2009
How do you like that?!
Tell me in my cbox. Yes dude, it means YOU.
HOUSE DECO = Indescribable.
I'm too tired to even type right now. I will hopefully give you a full update plus a picture from Sher May of the backdrop I painted.
To Chooi Ern *who apparently reads my blog and Juanita,
Thanks a bunch.
Ooh oh right, I forgot.
Beruang got second, after getting painfully beaten by Seladang of only 4 marks.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Dude, it better not be Thursday!
Handball Handball!
Woke up at 6.00 am, after only having 3 hours of sleep. Sad. Reached school at 6.30 am, but as expected Ms. Princess came late cause "she had to buy ice". Haha. Tradition.
We left school at 7.30 am and we went to Cochrane, where else. For some odd reason, the driver didn't want to drop us off in front of the Sports Centre, instead he went to the back. Like okaay. We met Andrea's/ Athira's inspiration on the way to the front, a dead rat.
The schedules for our matches we're super screwed up. There were a gazabillion teams just now, and we had to wait for those gazabillion teams to play in between our matches.
11.00 am (Scheduled to be at 9)
Sri Cempaka - Bangsar
7 - 0
Second Match.
2.30 pm (Scheduled to be at 12.15)
Sri Cempaka - Sri Petaling
3 - 2
Terrifyingly Awesome.
Third Match.
4.30 pm (Scheduled to be at 2.30)
Sri Cempaka - Desa Perdana
6 - 0
We didn't even felt like playing. We waited for god knows how long.
So there you have it, 70 % of the goals were shot by Andrea.
2 of those shots were scored by Athira Fatima. Quoted by En. Salleh-"Siapa kata si Kecik tak leh shoot".
Probably 2 out of 4 goals were "lamely" shot by Jac. That girl ah, ball slipped from her hands also can go in the goal.
I didn't play that much today. Just the second half of each game.
Conclusion: We gotta pass that dead rat again on Wednesday so that the team can receive it's mojo and we can all play like Andrea.
PS Jade, you should be proud of Sandra, Printha AND Celine. They were awesome and only let in a maximum of 5 goals in total today. :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday can't be that far away...
How was Earth Hour for me? GOOOD :)
We all went to Janda Baik yesterday. Arina and Hanna were like excited monkeys when it was 8.30pm. Another hyper monkey called me, Iwawan, and both of us were watching the News together. The KLCC disappeared shortly after the countdown. It was super cool.
Oh my god, they're counting down.
3, 2, 1, omg omg omg. OMG look at KLCC
OMG that's so cool! *runs to the tower at his house.
Omg those bloody neighbours, didn't turn of the lights.
I have no neighbours here..
Yes, omg.
Okay Ron, it's raining here like nobody's business too. I'm about to cry myself. :[
The other night, it was Jenq Yao's party. It was.. the food was good :)
It's audrey's party now. But I dunno how it is going cause it's raining.
OH OH! I did something which I'm suppose to show you first, but you're currently away, so I won't say anything here yet. Hehe.
And OH! It's been ages since I last opened limewire to download songs. Ages = a year in a half. No joke. So I'm actually dw-ing "current" hit songs like Just Dance and Thinking of You. Yes I know, I don't have those songs on my Itunes. Sue me.
I miss photoshop :(
Okay Zeus must be having a thunderbolt frenzy now. It's scaring me.
Oh! How can I forget. MSSKL's tomorrow. Aaaaahhhh! I'm excited but yet afraid cause of my stamina. Hehe. I did do some yoga just now in JB :) Full update about Handball tomorrow, I promise you.
House Deco's on Tuesday. I went to like 2 hypermarkets yesterday to look for egg cartons but fail to find them. I did managed to get boxes, but sadly, it ain't those fridge-sized boxes. I is screwed.
I'll be going to Lake Club soon for dinner. So yea..
Friday, March 27, 2009
My Condolences.
To Uncle Nik's family,
My deepest sympathy in your time of sorrow.
Arwah Nik was such a blessing to us.
May you find comfort in knowing that your loved one is with God.
Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh allahyarham Nik.
Allah-hu Akhbar.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hey readers guess what?
I've missed you! :)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Let my love loose again.
I can finally blog properly.
Exams, blaah! It's beginning to become even more annoying.
I just finished all the science subjects today. YES!
Worst = Chemisty
Moderate = Biology
Best (sort of) = Physics
I actually passed for Maths, I'm so happy.
I got 87 for English, I'm super happy.
72 for BM, awesome! -.-
Add Math exam is tomorrow. Please oh PLEASE Dr Arv, please make the exam.. passable. Thanks.
So anyways,
Have so much plans for this weekend and next week.
Games carnival is coming up and I'm excited. :)
'Em 3 red indians are here now. TTyL
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ashraf's baaaack.
Oh dear.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Can't talk now. American Idol :)
But wait, can I just say 2 things.
Whoever created Gulai Ikan Patin Tempoyak should get a Nobel Award.
I want to shake hands with the person who created Corn Drink. Eh no wait, I already did. :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Redang redang.
Redang's been okay so far. Was suppose to go on a snorkelling trip this morning but I missed it.
Woke up too late. Hehe :)
Had a semi-rough night last night but it turned out all good in the end.
I've already watched 3 movies since I arrived here. The Reader, Beverly Hills Chihuahua and Slumdog Millionaire.
It was raining practically the whole day yesterday. So I managed to recover with a few naps. :)
The sun's finally out now and we're planning to go to the Marine Park later after lunch.
How's your holiday been so far? ;)
The waves here are amazing. Took lots of pictures already. But none of myself or my family. Lols
Cheers to you. Ciao!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Redang here I come!
Hot Stuff.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Say what you want about me.
Eheh, I sound like .. i dunno.
20 random facts:
1. Hi :)
2. Seriously, did you guys miss me?
3. I haven't blogged for, a looong time.
4. In total I sat for 7 papers this week.
5. It was cow's dung. Honest.
6. During BM paper 1, I thought I dislocated the fingers on my left hand.
7. American Idol this week was the best. Michael Jackson's songs are the s**
8. I'm listening to "the way you make me feel" by Michael, of course.
9. Speaking of Michael, WHAT HAPPENED TO FACEBOOK?!
10. Crazy mofos. I HATE it.
11. I'm about to watch If You Seek Amy again. It was, WOW.
12. Friendly today was.. muddy.
13. I'm going to Pulau Redang in 15 hours time.
14. YOU will be missing me more.
15. I'm not going to talk about exams anymore.
16. Looking forward to braiding friendship bracelets.
17. Looking forward to swim with my friends, the fishies.
18. I miss blogging, alot.
19. I need to pack later.
20. Bye all of you horses.
Wait... 10 random facts of my friends:
1. Who shall I start talking about first.
2. Athira, NOOOO you're GONE! That laydeh left for Canada just now. SKI your BUTT off athira. Show 'em white people us Asians can ski!
3. JADE, oh my god. I just spent 4 hours with her. All diiirrrty and sexy. Hi Jade. Muaha.
4. Tasha, like GUESS WHAT. No you will never guess right. I JUST SAW your SEXY GORGEOUS I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TEACHER. Mr. J... :) He looks SUPER HOT at night!
5. Soulbrother, where in the world are you!? :( Crazy Ron shot like he was on steriods just now. Kidding. Haha. Hi, heheheheheeheh. Serious business tonight! WATCH OUT.
6. Oh my gawd, Chin San just said Haro to me on MSN. Sexy.
7. Altra Ego Chin Loong, congrats man :)
8. Congrats to the others too, the "journey" has just begun.
9. Iwawan, I LOVE YOU!
10. Testing testing Samira are you reading this? :)
New pictures will be up soon. I just made love to my camera, so yea.
A video for the males.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A wee big shoutout to Nisha Foo Yen Sha
Hi :)
Sorry for not replying you earlier.
I hope you read my blog often cause I read yours.
Fiji water sounds delicious.
I'm going to Janda Baik soon, big surprise there.
You're probably trying on gorgeous clothes now.
You reached the high notes! Whoopie. And I love "tonight".
I love Jonas Brothers even more now. I'm sure you do too.
Guess what, Rihanna's coming! I think .
I love chocolates, hint hint.
I mentioned your name 3 times yesterday.
I'm starting to like Taylor Swift. How about you?
Reply back and I'll do the same, promise!
Sayang kamu!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Maths Adventure
I've not blogged for 4 days! Amazing.
World Maths Day was... crazimefying.
We all started at 8 PM sharp on Wednesday, not knowing that it had already started an hour ago. We were ready for WMD, with all the strategies and warm-up tricks taught by the one and only Chin San, but we SO did not know what was really ahead of us.
Chin San, Chin Loong, Alexandra, and Alexis were our class motivaters since the start. Ronald, on the other hand, was our class reminder of the prize that lay ahead, which was, satay, of course.Most of us were online till 11. I went off at 11 too, after contributing 4 hours of maths.
School came and the class weren't caring much about WMD, till Alexis got herself and the class excited for it. Both Alexis and I went searching for Mr. Alvin by second period to ask him whether we could use the hall by then. And yes, that was when it all officially began.
We were there till break aaand continued after break. We weren't suppose to continue on till lunch but after the "amazing performance", the class was chosen to stay back after school TILL 8. Yes fellow blog readers, till 8. At night. We played like mad students and managed to get top 5 of the world.Wednesday: 7 1/2 hours of maths
I was one of the 7 students of our class who stayed back up till 8. By the end of the day, I had already collected enough points to get 20 marks for my Maths Mid-Sem Exam. Before the day ended, our placings were dropped because of the CIS team and those darn Turkish. I was bloody exhausted by the time I got back home. Slept like a baby.
Morning arrived and the next thing you know it, I was back in the hall tapping away. 12 4 35 12 63 7 3 1 5 31 12 45 67...............
I did that for 10 HOURS. I kid you not. And YES once again readers, TILL 8.I actually played with a Ronald L. But he/she was from China.
I played with CHINLOONG
I played with CHINLOONG again
This picture shows you how the competition was "conquered" by the Cempakans. And how lifeless we were.
We over took Form 1 during the final hours... Just kidding, Haha. We over took them LONG before the day ended. After break to be exact :) So our aims were to maintain being third in the world, to get through the day, and to get our satays.
SUPRISINGLY, we got third in the world. Whopie -.-
And we had our share of satay -.-
Whoopie.Proof. * Note the results and the "keep playing" button.
Gee Dubya Bush. says: (7:07:09 PM)
omg wtf dude
Gee Dubya Bush. says: (7:07:12 PM)
can sue the school for that weh
'faaaza says: (7:07:19 PM)
'faaaza says: (7:07:20 PM)
Gee Dubya Bush. says: (7:07:26 PM)
'play' my ass. thats not playin!
'faaaza says: (7:07:32 PM)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Gossip Girl, where are you?
Ah nuts.
1. Ashraf is leaving for Miri tomorrow and I'll miss him.
2. I can finally go online after struggling since last night.
3. I don't have my phone with me. Problems, don't ask. Anything call (+603) 2095....
4. I'm addicted to Single Ladies - Beyonce and I have no idea why. Okay maybe I do.
5. I just saw Samira Jefri Davidson come online and I just decided to miss her.
6. I'm very tired.
7. I went to BM tuition at the wrong time just now.
8. I'm wondering whether there's Netball practice tomorrow after school.
9. Where's everybody online?
10. Hannan, I'm proud of you :)
11. Sivagamii, when shall we have Beruang practices?
12. I can't wait to upload my new pictures on Flickr
13. Shi Fen are you okay now? :)
14. Athira are YOU okay now? :)
15. I'm deciding on whether I should type facts about all my friends.
16. Okay, maybe not.
17. Dance today was........ crazy
18. I'm wondering when shall I stop typing out random statements.
19. Hi Tash & Jade.
20. Wawan, I can't contact anyone from Cheras. Besides it's too late.
21. Err.. I should have stopped at number 20.