Friday, August 28, 2009
waiting, i hate.
Considering you've dedicated a few blog posts to me on your blog, I shall compose one for you now.
Athira, you:
- are a shopaholic.
- are a fashion addict.
- amat ketagih dgn shopping.
- have been bitten by the shopping bug.
- sadly have the Compulsive Shopping Disease
It's no surprise to anyone anymore, especially myself, to see "shopping lists", "wanted fashion items" as well as "things-I've-bought-today lists" posted up in your blog, SETIAP HARI. I was once, as addicted to shopping as you were, but heck you've gone way beyond me now. But thank goodness we have similar tastes, it makes shopping easier for us. :)
I'm happy for you, you've found your true calling.
But one thing my dear - "you do NOT have enough days in a year to wear all those things!"
That is all.
Your welcome & goodnight.